











1978年09月至1982年07月,浙江农业大学农学系 种子专业,学士

1986年01月至1990年01月,美国康奈尔大学植物科学系 植物生理学,博士
















2008年1月至今,《Molecular Plant》Editorial Board Member














1. 国家自然科学基金委重点项目:植物干细胞巢特化和稳态维持的分子机理。项目编号:31830057,直接经费共294万元。项目执行年限,2019.01-2023.12

2. 国家自然科学基金委重大项目:棉纤维发育机制的基础与应用研究。项目编号:31690091,总经费1,288万元。实验室承担其中课题二“棉纤维发育的细胞机制研究”,直接经费共465万元。项目执行年限,2017.01-2021.12。

3. 国家自然科学基金委“植物激素”重大研究计划集成项目:乙烯、GA和超长链脂肪酸调控棉纤维发育的分子机制研究。项目编号:91117004。总经费160万,2012年1月至2013年12月。国家自然科学基金委“植物激素”重大研究计划重点项目:乙烯、油菜素内酯、赤霉素和超长链脂肪酸相互作用调控棉纤维和植物细胞伸长的分子机制研究。项目编号:90717009。总经费160万元,2008年1月至2011年12月。

4. 国家科技部863项目:重要应用价值特异与诱导性启动子的分离与鉴定。课题主持人,“棉花纤维特异性启动子的分离与鉴定”。2007-2010年。本课题组直接科研经费70万元。

5. 国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体学术带头人,项目名称:植物发生发育的调控及抗性机制研究。课题编号:30321001(30621061)。总经费810万元,2004-2006年(2007-2009年)。本课题组直接科研经费150.0万元。

6. 国家科技部973项目:棉花纤维品质功能基因组学研究与分子改良。课题主持人,“棉纤维细胞转录组学研究”。 课题编号:2004CB117302。课题经费598万元,2005-2009年。本课题组直接科研经费427万元。棉花纤维品质功能基因组研究及优质高产新品种的分子改良。课题主持人,“棉纤维细胞转录组学研究”。课题编号:2010CB126002。课题经费490万元,2010-2014年。本课题组直接科研经费380万元。

7. 国家自然科学基金委重大国际(地区)合作研究项目:拟南芥全部转录调控因子蛋白质组学研究。总经费1200万元。2002-2004年,中方主持人。本课题组直接科研经费180.0万元。

8. 国家科技部“转基因作物专项”重大课题:棉花纤维功能基因的克隆与转化。项目编号:J99-A-003。科技部项目,总经费800.0万元。1999-2002年,总主持人。本课题组直接科研经费200.0万元。

9. 国家杰出青年科学基金:豌豆不衰老性状相关基因的研究。项目编号:39725002。国家自然科学基金委员会项目,总经费80.0万元。1998-2001年,主持人。

10. 教育部跨世纪人才计划:高频再生水稻分子机制研究。教育部,总经费30.0万元。1994-1997年,主持人。



以雷蒙德氏棉(Gossypium raimondii)的基因组为参考序列,我们将目前NCBI数据库中存在的297239条陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum)表达序列标签(EST)进行了重新组装和分析,得到了49125条单基因簇(UniGenes)。这些单基因簇的平均长度达到了1019碱基对,显著超过之前组装的804和791碱基对。其中,长度超过3千碱基对的单基因簇的数目从30条左右增加到1223条。我们的结果说明,雷蒙德氏棉基因组的参考序列对四倍体棉花转录组的组装起到非常大的推动作用。转录组分析分析显示,四倍体棉花里来自A和D亚基因组的基因在转录模式上有显著差异。在四倍体转录组中,29547个单基因簇可能来自于D亚基因组的贡献,而另外19578个单基因簇可能是A亚基因组转录出来的。最后,大规模数据分析得到的一些棉纤维发育关键基因在转录水平的差异可被RT-PCR实验证实。




1. Gao J, Huang G, Chen X, and Zhu YX (2022) PROTEIN S-ACYL TRANSFERASE 13/16 (PAT13/PAT16) modulate disease resistance by S-acylation of the NB-LRR protein R5L1 in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,  doi: 10.1111/jipb.13324.
2. Huang G, and Zhu YX (2022) Insights of section-wide pan-genome into hybrid potato breeding. Sci China Life Sci 65, doi.org/10.1007/s11427-022-2144-9.
3. Wu ZG, Xi W, Han ZX, Wu YH, Guan YZ, and Zhu YX (2022) Genome-Wide Comparative Analysis of Transposable Elements by Matrix-TE Method Revealed Indica and Japonica Rice Evolution. Agronomy-Basel, doi: 10.3390/agronomy12071490.
4. Hu J and Zhu YX (2022) Brief Biography of Professor Yingguo Zhu. Agronomy-Basel. doi: 10.3390/agronomy12040858.

5. Wen XP, Zhai YF, Zhang L, Chen YJ, Zhu ZY, Chen G, Wang K, and Zhu YX (2022) Molecular studies of cellulose synthase supercomplex from cotton fiber reveals its unique biochemical properties. Sci. China Life Sci. Accepted

6. Liu W, Sun J, Li J, Liu C, Si F, Yan B, Wang Z, Song X, Yang Y, Zhu YX and Cao XF (2022). Reproductive tissue-specific translatome of a rice thermo-sensitive genic male sterile line. J. Genet. Genomics. Online DOI: 10.1016/j.jgg.2022.01.002

7. Li S, Li L, Fan W, Ma S, Zhang C, Kim JC, Wang K, Russinova E, Zhu YX, and Zhou Y (2022). LeafNet: A tool for segmenting and quantifying stomata and pavement cells. Plant Cell. 34, 1171-1188.

8. Huang, G. & Zhu, Y.X. (2021) Breeding cotton with superior fiber quality: identification and utilization of multiple elite loci and exotic genetic resources. Sci China Life Sci 64, 1197–1198.

9. Huang G, Huang JQ, Chen XY, Zhu YX. (2021) Recent advances and future perspectives in cotton research. Annual Review of Plant Biology 72, 437-462.
10. Wen XP, Huang G, Li CY and Zhu YX (2021) A Malvaceae-specific miRNA targeting the newly duplicated GaZIP1L to regulate Zn2+ ion transporter capacity in cotton ovules. Sci. China Life Sci., 64, 339-351.
11. Huang G, Wu Z, Percy RG, Bai M, Li Y, Frelichowski JE, Hu J, Wang K, Yu, JZ, Zhu YX (2020) Genome sequence of Gossypium herbaceum and genome updates of Gossypium arboreum and Gossypium hirsutum provide insights into cotton A-genome evolution. Nature Genetics., 52, 515-524.
12. Wang ZH,Li Y, Hou B, Pronobis, MI, Wang MQ, Wang YM, Cheng GC, Weng WN, Wang YQ, Tang YF, Xu XF, Pan R, Lin F, Wang N, Chen ZQ, Wang SW, Ma LZ, Li YR, Huang DL, Jiang L, Wang ZQ, Zeng WF, Zhang Y, Du XM, Lin Y, Li ZQ, Xia QY, Geng J, Dai HP, Yu Y, Zhao XD, Yuan Z, Yan J, Nie QH, Zhang XQ, Wang K, Chen FL, Zhang Q, Zhu YX, Zheng S, Poss KD, Tao SC, Meng S. (2020) An array of 60,000 antibodies for proteome-scale antibody generation and target discovery. Sci. Adv. 6, eaax2271.
13. Liu NJ, Zhang T, Liu ZH, Chen X, Guo HS, Ju BH, Zhang YY, Li GZ, Zhou QH, Qin YM, Zhu YX (2020) Phytosphinganine affects plasmodesmata permeability via facilitating PDLP5-stimulated callose accumulation in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant., 13, 128-143.
14. Wang D, Fan W, Guo X, Wu K, Zhou S, Chen Z, Li D, Wang K, Zhu YX, Zhou Y (2020). MaGenDB: a functional genomics hub for Malvaceae plants. Nucleic Acids Research, 48, D1076-D1084.
15. Wang, K., Wang, D., Zheng, X., Qin, A., Zhou, J., Guo, B., Chen, Y., Wen, X., Ye, W., Zhou, Y., Zhu, YX (2019). Multi-strategic RNA-seq analysis reveals a high-resolution transcriptional landscape in cotton. Nature Communications, 10, 4714.
16. Xia, Y.Y., Huang, G., Zhu, YX (2019). Sustainable plant diseases control: biotic information flow and behavior manipulation. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences. 62, 1710-1713.
17. Gai Huang and Yuxian Zhu. (2019) Plant polyploidy and evolution. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 61, 4–6.
18. Du XM, Gai H, He SP, Yang ZE, Sun GF, Ma XF, Li N, Zhang XY, Sun JL, Liu M, Jia YH, Pan ZE, Gong WF, Liu ZH, Zhu HQ, Ma L, Liu FY, Yang DG, Wang F, Fan W, Gong Q, Peng Z, Wang LR, Wang XY, Xu SJ, Shang HH, Lu CR, Zheng HK, Huang SW, Lin T, Zhu YX, Li FG. (2018) Resequencing of 243 diploid cotton accessions based on an, updated A genome identifies the genetic basis of key agronomic traits. Nature Genetics, 50, 796-802.

19. Wu ZG; Yang Y; Huang G; Lin J, Xia YY, Zhu YX (2017) Cotton functional genomics reveals global insight into genome evolution and fiber development, J Genet Genomics, 44, 511-518.

20. Zhang YZ, Jiao Y, Jiao HY, Zhao HB, Zhu YX. (2017) Two-step functional innovation of the stem-cell factors WUS/WOX5 during plant evolution. Mol. Biol. Evol. 34, 640-653.

21. Zhu YX. (2016) The post-genomics era of cotton. Science China-Life Sciences, 59, 109-111.

22. Jiao Y, Zhang YZ, Zhu YX (2016). Recent advances in the research for the homolog of breast cancer associated gene AtROW1 in higher plants. Science China Life Sciences.  59, 8:825-831.

23. Wang k, Hang G, Zhu YX. (2016) Transposable elements play an important role during cotton genome evolution and fiber cell development. Science China-Life Sciences, 59, 112-121.

24. Xiao GH, Wang K, Huang G, Zhu YX. (2016) Genome-scale analysis of the cotton KCS gene family revealed a binary mode of action for gibberellin A regulated fiber growth. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 58, 577-589.

25. Liu GJ, Xiao GH, Liu NJ, Liu D, Chen PS, Qin YM,  Zhu YX. (2015) Targeted lipidomics studies reveal that linolenic acid promote cotton fiber elongation by activating phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylinositol monophosphate biosynthesis. Mol Plant, 8, 911-921.

26. Li, F.G., Fan, G.Y., Lu, C.R., Xiao, G.H., Zou, C.S., Kohel, R.J., Ma, Z.Y., Shang, H.H., Ma, X.F., Wu, J.Y., Liang, X.M., Huang, G., Percy, R.G., Liu, K., Yang, W.H., Chen, W.B., Du, X.M., Shi, C.C., Yuan, Y.L., Ye, W.W., Liu, X., Zhang, X.Y., Liu, W.Q., Wei, H.L., Wei, S.J., Huang, G.D., Zhang, X.L., Zhu, S.J., Zhang, H., Sun, F.M., Wang, X.F., Liang, J., Wang, J.H., He, Q., Huang, L.H., Wang, J., Cui, J.J., Song, G.L., Wang, K.B., Xu, X., Yu, J.Z., Zhu, Y.X., Yu S.X.. (2015) Genome sequence of cultivated Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum TM-1) provides insights into genome evolution. Nat. Biotechnol, 33, 524-530.

27. Zhang, Y.Z., Jiao, Y., Liu, Z.H., Zhu, Y.X. (2015) ROW1 maintains quiescent centre identity by confining WOX5 expression to specific cells. Nature Communications  doi: 10.1038/ncomms7003.

28. Li, F.G., Fan, G.Y., Wang, K.B., Sun, F.M., Yuan, Y.L., Song, G.L., Li, Q., Ma, Z.Y., Lu, C.R., Zou, C.S., Chen, W.B., Liang, X.M., Shang, H.H., Liu, W.G., Shi, C.C., Xiao, G.H., Gou, C.Y., Ye, W.W., Xu, X., Zhang, X.Y., Wei, H.L., Li, Z.F., Zhang, G.Y., Wang, J.Y., Liu, K. Kohel, R.J., Percy, R.G., Yu, J.Z., Zhu, Y.X., Wang, J. Yu, S.X. (2014) Genome sequence of the cultivated cotton Gossypium arboreum. Nature Genetics 46, 567-572.

29. Li, Q., Xiao, G. H., and Zhu, Y. X. (2014) Single-nucleotide resolution mapping of the Gossypium raimondii transcriptome reveals a new mechanism for alternative splicing of introns. Molecular Plant, 7, 829-840.

30. Zhu YX. Regulation of cotton lint growth. In: McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology 2014. pp 319-322. 未被收录

31. 肖光辉,梅文倩,朱玉贤(2013)棉纤维细胞发育过程中钙离子内流和钙依赖蛋白激酶活性的动态变化。中国科学生命科学(中文版),43: 886-896.

32. Zhu, Y. X. and Li, F. G. (2013) The Gossypium raimondii genome, a huge leap forward in cotton genomics. J. Integrative Plant Biology. 55, 570-571.

33. Jin, X., Li, Q., Xiao, G. H., Zhu, Y. X. (2013) Using genome-referenced expressed sequence tag assembly to analyze the origin and expression patterns of Gossypium hirsutum transcripts. J. Integrative Plant Biology. (J INTEGR PLANT BIOL) 55, 576-585.

34. Jin, X., Pang, Y., Jia, F. X., Xiao, G. H., Li, Q., Zhu, Y. X. (2013) A potential role for CHH DNA methylation in cotton fiber growth patterns. PLOS ONE 8, e60547.

35. Wang, K. B., Wang, Z. W., Li, F. G., Ye, W. W., Wang, J. Y., Song, G. L., Yue, Z., Cong, L., Shang, H. H., Zhu, S. L., Zou, C. S., Li, Q., Yuan, Y. L., Lu, C. R., Wei, H. L., Gou, C. Y., Zheng, Z. Q., Yin, Y., Zhang, X. Y., Liu, K., Wang, B., Song, C., Shi, N., Kohel, R. J., Percy, R. G., Yu, J. Z., Zhu, Y. X., Wang, J. and Yu, S. X. (2012) The draft genome of a diploid cotton Gossypium raimondii. Nature Genetics (Nat. Genet.) 44, 1098-1103.

36. Li, Q., Jin, X., Zhu, Y. X. (2012) Identification and analyses of miRNA genes in allotetraploid Gossypium hirsutum fiber cells based on the sequenced diploid G. raimondii genome. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 39, 351-360.

37. Qin, Y. M. and Zhu Y. X. (2011) How cotton fibers elongate: a tale of linear cell-growth mode. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. (CURR OPIN PLANT BIOL) 14, 106-111.

38. Wang, H., Mei, W.Q., Qin, Y.M. and Zhu, Y.X. (2011) 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase 2 is phosphorylated by calcium-dependent protein kinase 1 during cotton fiber elongation. Acta Biochim. et Bioph. Sin. (ACTA BIOCH BIOPH SIN) 43, 654-661.

39. Pang, C.Y., Wang, H., Pang, Y., Xu, C., Jiao, Y., Qin, Y.M., Western, T.L., Yu, S.X. and Zhu, Y.X. (2010) Comparative proteomics indicate that biosynthesis of pectic precursors is important for cotton fiber and Arabidopsis root hair elongation. Molecular Cellular Proteomics (Mol. Cell. Proteomics), 9, 2019-2033.

40. Zhu, Y.X. (2010) The epigenetic involvement in plant hormone signaling. Chinese Science Bulletin (SCIENCE BULLETIN), 55, 2198-2203.

41. Pang, Y., Wang, H., Song, W.Q. and Zhu, Y.X. (2010) The cotton ATP synthase delta 1 subunit is required to maintain a higher ATP⁄ADP ratio that facilitates rapid fibre cell elongation. Plant Biology, 12, 903-909.

42. Song, W.Q., Qin, Y.M., Saito, M., Shirai, T., Pujol, F.M., Kastaniotis, A.J., Hiltunen, J.K. and Zhu, Y.X. (2009) Characterization of two cotton cDNAs encoding trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase reveals a putative novel NADPH-binding motif. Journal of Experimental Botany (J EXP BOT), 60, 1839-1848.

43. Mei, W.Q., Qin, Y.M., Song, W.Q., Li, J. and Zhu, Y.X. (2009) Cotton GhPOX1 encoding plant class III peroxidase may be responsible for the high level of reactive oxygen species production that is related to cotton fiber elongation. J. Genet. Genomics (J GENET GENOMICS) 36, 141-150.

44. Han, P. and Zhu, Y.X. (2009) BARD1 may be renamed ROW1 because it functions mainly as a REPRESSOR OF WUSCHEL1. Plant Signaling & Behavior 4, 52-54.

45. Han, P., Li, Q. and Zhu, Y. X. (2008) Mutation of Arabidopsis BARD1 causes meristem defects by failing to confine WUSCHEL expression to the organizing center. Plant Cell 20, 1482-1493.

46. He, X. C., Qin, Y. M., Xu, Y., Hu, C. Y. and Zhu, Y. X. (2008) Molecular cloning, expression profiling, and yeast complementation of 19 ß-tubulin cDNAs from developing cotton ovules. J. Exp. Bot. (J EXP BOT) 59, 2687-2695.

47. Xu, Z., Kohel, R. J., Song, G., Cho, J., Alabady, M., Yu, J., Koo, P., Chu, J., Yu, S., Wilkins, T. A., Zhu, Y. X. and Yu, J. Z. (2008) Gene-rich islands for fiber development in the cotton genome. Genomics 92, 173-183.

48. Qin, Y. M., Hu, C. Y. and Zhu Y. X. (2008) The ascorbate peroxidase regulated by H2O2 and ethylene is involved in cotton fiber cell elongation by modulating ROS homeostasis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 3, 194-196.

49. Gong, W., He, K., Covington, M., Dinesh-Kumar, S. P., Snyder, M., Harmer, S. L., Zhu, Y. X. and Deng, X. W. (2008) The development of protein microarrays and their applications in DNA-protein and protein-protein interaction analyses of Arabidopsis transcription factors. Molecular Plant (Mol Plant) 1, 27-41.

50. Qin, Y. M., Hu, C. Y., Pang, Y., Kastaniotis, A. J., Hiltunen, J. K. and Zhu, Y. X. (2007) Saturated very-long-chain fatty acids promote cotton fiber and Arabidopsis cell elongation by activating ethylene biosynthesis. Plant Cell 19, 3692-3704.

51. Chen, Z. J., Scheffler, B. E., Dennis, E., Triplett, B. A., Zhang, T. Z., Guo, W. Z., Chen, X. Y., Stelly, D. M., Rabinowicz, P. D., Town, C. D., Arioli, T., Brubaker, C., Cantrell, R. G., Lacape, J. M., Ulloa, M., Chee, P., Gingle, A. R., Haigler, C. H., Percy, R., Saha, S., Wilkins, T., Wright, R. J., Van Deynze, A., Zhu, Y. X., Yu, S. X., Abdurakhmonov, I., Katageri, I., Kumar, P. A., Zafar, Y., Yu, J. Z., Kohel, R. J., Wendel, J. F. and Paterson, A. H. (2007) Toward sequencing cotton (Gossypium) genomes. Plant Physiol. 145, 1303-1310.

52. Qin, Y. M., Pujol, F. M., Hu, C. Y., Feng, J. X., Kastaniotis, A. J., Hiltunen, J. K. and Zhu, Y. X. (2007) Genetic and biochemical studies in yeast reveal that cotton fiber-specific GhCER6 gene functions in fatty acid elongation. J. Exp. Bot. (J EXP BOT) 58, 473-481.

53. Xu, Y., Wang, B. C. and Zhu, Y. X. (2007) Identification of proteins expressed at extremely low level in Arabidopsis leaves. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. (BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO) 358, 808–812.

54. Li, Q., Wang, B. C., Xu, Y. and Zhu, Y. X. (2007) Systematic studies of 12S seed storage protein accumulation and degradation patterns during Arabidopsis seed maturation and early seedling germination stages. J Biochem Mol Biol. (J BIOCHEM MOL BIOL) 40, 373-381.

55. Li, H. B., Qin, Y. M., Pang, Y., Song, W. Q. and Zhu, Y. X. (2007) A cotton ascorbate peroxidase is involved in hydrogen peroxide homeostasis during fibre cell development. New Phytol. (NEW PHYTOL) 175, 462-471.

56. Qin, Y. M. and Zhu, Y. X. (2007) A brief summary of major advances in cotton functional genomics and molecular breeding studies in China. Chinese Science Bulletin (SCIENCE BULLETIN), 52, 3174-3178.

57. Xu, Y., Li, H. B. and Zhu, Y. X. (2007) Molecular biological and biochemical studies reveal new pathways important for cotton fiber development. J. Integr. Plant Biol. (J INTEGR PLANT BIOL) 49, 69-74.

58. Mei, W.Q., Lei, J., Xu, Y., Wei, G. and Zhu, Y.X. (2007) Characterization of three Arabidopsis AP2/EREBP family transcription factors involved in ABA sensitivity, freeze and salt tolerance. Chinese Science Bulletin (SCIENCE BULLETIN), 52, 1746-1753.

59. Qu, L. J. and Zhu, Y. X. (2006) Transcription factor families in Arabidopsis: major progress and outstanding issues for future research. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. (CURR OPIN PLANT BIOL) 9, 544-549.

60. Cai, H., Yu, D. H., Hu, X. D., Li, S. X. and Zhu, Y. X. (2006) A combined DNA vaccine-prime, BCG-boost strategy results in better protection against Mycobacterium bovis challenge. DNA and Cell Biol. (DNA CELL BIOL) 25, 438-447.

61. Shi, Y. H., Zhu, S. W., Mao, X., Feng, J. X., Qin, Y. M., Zhang, L., Cheng, J., Wei, L., Wang, Z. Y. and Zhu, Y. X. (2006) Transcriptome profiling, molecular biological and physiological studies reveal a major role for ethylene in cotton fiber cell elongation. Plant Cell 18, 651-664.

62. Wang, B. C., Wang, H. X., Feng, J. X., Meng, D. Z., Qu, L. J. and Zhu, Y. X. (2006) Post-translational modifications, but not transcriptional regulation, of major chloroplast RNA-binding proteins are related to Arabidopsis seedling development. Proteomics 6, 2555-2563.

63. Li, Q., Feng, J. X., Han, P. and Zhu, Y. X. (2006) Parental RNA is significantly degraded during Arabidopsis seed germination. J. Integr. Plant Biol. (J INTEGR PLANT BIOL) 48, 114-120.

64. Wang, B. C., Pan, Y. H., Meng, D. Z. and Zhu, Y. X. (2006) Identification and quantitative analysis of significantly accumulated proteins during the Arabidopsis seedling de-etiolation process. J. Integr. Plant Biol. (J INTEGR PLANT BIOL) 48, 104-113.

65. Feng, J. X., Liu, D., Pan, Y., Gong, W., Ma, L., Luo, J., Deng, X. W. and Zhu, Y. X. (2005) A systematic annotation update via cDNA sequence analysis and comprehensive profiling of developmental, hormonal or environmental responsiveness of the Arabidopsis AP2/EREBP transcription factor gene family. Plant Mol. Biol. (PLANT MOL BIOL) 59, 853-868.

66. Fu, Q., Wang, B. C., Jin, X., Li, H. B., Han, P., Wei, K. H., Zhang, X. M. and Zhu, Y. X. (2005) Proteomic analysis and extensive protein identification from dry, germinating Arabidopsis seeds and young seedlings. J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. (J BIOCHEM MOL BIOL) 38, 650-660.

67. Cai, H., Yu, D. H., Tian, X. and Zhu, Y. X. (2005) Coadministration of interleukin 2 plasmid DNA with combined DNA vaccines significantly enhances the protective efficacy against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. DNA and Cell Biol. (DNA CELL BIOL) 24, 605-613.

68. Wei, G., Lei, J., Gong, W. and Zhu, Y. X. (2005) Molecular cloning, expressional profiling, DNA binding and trans-activation property studies of QRAP2 from Arabidopsis thalina. Chinese Science Bulletin (SCIENCE BULLETIN) 50, 1873-1878.

69. Yu, D. H., Cai, H., Zhu, Y. X. (2005) DDA is more efficacious than MPL as adjuvants that enhanced immunogenicity and protection of combined DNA vaccine against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Progress Biochem. Biophys. (PROG BIOCHEM BIOPHYS) 32: 765-770.

70. Wei, G., Pan, Y., Lei, J. and Zhu, Y. X. (2005) Molecular Cloning, Phylogenetic Analysis, Expressional Profiling and In Vitro Studies of TINY2 from Arabidopsis thaliana. J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. (J BIOCHEM MOL BIOL) 38, 440-446.

71. Qin, Y. M., Pujol, F. M. A., Shi, Y. H., Feng, J. X., Liu, Y. M., Kastaniotis, A. J., Hiltunen, J. K. and Zhu, Y. X. (2005) Cloning and functional characterization of two cDNAs encoding NADPH-dependent 3-ketoacyl-CoA reductases from developing cotton fibers. Cell Res. 15, 465-473.

72. Cai, H., Hu, X. D., Yu, D. H., LI, S. X., Tian, X. and Zhu, Y. X. (2005) Combined DNA vaccine encapsulated in microspheres enhanced protection efficacy against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of mice. Vaccine 23, 4167-4174.

73. Cai, H., Tian, X., Hu, X. D., LI, S. X., Yu, D. H. and Zhu, Y. X. (2005) Combined DNA vaccines formulated either in DDA or in saline protect cattle from Mycobacterium bovis infection. Vaccine 23, 3887-3895.

74. Gu, T., Cai, H., Tian X., Yu, D. H., Zhu, Y.X. (2005) Study on immunogenicity and protective efficacy of tetravalent combination M. tuberculosis DNA vaccine. Progress Biochem. Biophys. (PROG BIOCHEM BIOPHYS) 32, 347-352.

75. Liu, D., Gong, W., Bai, Y., Luo, J. C. and Zhu, Y. X. (2005) OsHT, a rice gene encoding for a plasma-membrane localized histidine transporter. J. Integr. Plant Biol. (J INTEGR PLANT BIOL) 47, 92-99.

76. Gong, W., Sun, Y. P., Ma, L. G., Pan, Y., Du, Y. L., Wang, D. H., Yang, J. Y., Hu, L. D., Liu, X. F., Dong, C. X., Ma, L., Chen, Y. H., Yang, X. Y., Gao, Y., Zhu, D. M., Tan, X. L., Mu, J. Y., Zhang, D. B., Liu, Y. L., Dinesh-Kumar, S. P., Li, Y., Wang, X. P., Gu, H. Y., Qu, L. J., Bai, S. N., Lu, Y. T., Li, J. Y., Zhao, J. D., Zuo, J. R., Huang, H., Deng, X. W. and Zhu, Y. X. (2004) Genome-wide ORFeome cloning and analysis of Arabidopsis transcription factor genes. Plant Physiol. 135, 773-782.

77. Cai, H., Tian, X., Zhuang, Y. H. and Zhu, Y. X. (2004) Combined DNA vaccines formulated in DDA enhance protective immunity against tuberculosis. DNA and Cell Biol. (DNA CELL BIOL) 23, 450-456.

78. Tian, Xia., Cai, H. and Zhu, Y. X. (2004) Protection of mice with a divalent tuberculosis DNA vaccine encoding antigens Ag85B and MPT64. Acta Biochim. et Bioph. Sin. (ACTA BIOCH BIOPH SIN) 36, 269-276.

79. Feng, J. X., Ji, S. J. and Zhu, Y. X. (2004) Analysis of five differentially expressed gene families in fast elongating cotton fiber. Acta Biochim. et Bioph. Sin. (ACTA BIOCH BIOPH SIN) 36, 51-56.

80. Li, J., Wang, D. Y., Li, Q., Xu, Y. J., Cui, K. M. and Zhu, Y. X. (2004) PPF1 inhibits programmed cell death in apical meristems of both G2 pea and transgenic Arabidopsis plants possibly by delaying cytosolic Ca2+ elevation. Cell Calcium. 35, 71-77.

81. Bai Y, Gong W, Liu TY & Zhu YX. (2003) Cloning and expressional analyses of a cinnamoyl CoA reductase cDNA from rice seedlings. Chinese Science Bulletin (SCIENCE BULLETIN) 48, 2221-2225. IF: 20.577 (白勇,巩威,刘天昀,朱玉贤 (2003)水稻肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶基因的克隆与表达分析。《科学通报》,48, 1780-1784.

82. Cai, H., Tian, X., Hu, X. D., Pan, Y., Li, G. L., Zhuang, Y. H. and Zhu, Y. X. (2003) Immunogenicity and protective efficacy study using combination of four tuberculosis DNA vaccines. Science in China, Series C. (中国科学) 45, 495-502. (蔡宏,田霞,呼西旦,潘怡,李国利, 庄玉辉,朱玉贤(2003) 结核分枝杆菌四价核酸疫苗免疫原性和保护效率研究。《中国科学(C辑)》,33, 240-245.

83. Ji, S. J., Lu, Y. C., Feng, J. X., Wei, G., Li, J., Shi, Y. H., Fu, Q., Liu, D., Luo, J. C. and Zhu, Y. X. (2003) Isolation and analyses of genes preferentially expressed during early cotton fiber development by subtractive PCR and cDNA array. Nucleic Acids Res. 31, 2534-2543.

84. Wang, D. Y., Xu, Y. J., Li, Q., Hao, X. M., Su, Y. H., Sun, F. Z. and Zhu, Y. X. (2003) Transgenic expression of a putative calcium transporter affects the time of Arabidopsis flowering. Plant J. 33, 285-292.

85. Xu, Y. J., Gu, X. S., Li, J., Li, Q., Davies, P. J. and Zhu, Y. X. (2003) Studies on gene structure, enzymatic activity and regulatory mechanism of acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase from G2 pea. Science In China, Series C (SCI CHINA SER C) 46, 389-398. (徐云剑,顾雪松,李珺,李晴,Peter J. Davies,朱玉贤 (2003) 豌豆乙酰羟酸还原异构酶基因结构、蛋白活性分析及其调控机制研究。《中国科学(C辑)》,33, 19-26.

86. Pan, Y., Cai, H., Li, S. X., Tian, X., Li, T. and Zhu, Y. X. (2003) Combined Recombinant DNA Vaccine Results in Significant Protection against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. ACTA Biochim. et Bioph. Sin. (ACTA BIOCH BIOPH SIN) 35, 71-76.

87. Xu, Y. J., Wang, D. Y. and Zhu, Y. X. (2002) Expression of the thylakoid membrane localized PPF1 in transgenic Arabidopsis affects chloroplast development. Acta Botanica Sinica 41, 1314-1320.

88. Cai, H., Pan, Y., Li, G. L., Zhuang, Y. H. and Zhu, Y. X. (2002) Construction of multivalent DNA vaccines for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its immunogenicity. Chinese Science Bulletin (SCIENCE BULLETIN) 47, 1589-1593. (蔡宏,潘怡,李国利,庄玉辉,朱玉贤 (2002) 结核分枝杆菌多价核酸疫苗的构建及免疫原性。《科学通报》47, 966-971.

89. Ji, S. J., Liu, F., Li, E. Q. and Zhu, Y. X. (2002) Recombinant scorpion insect toxin AaIT kills specifically insect cells but not human cells.  Cell Res. 12, 143-150.

90. Ji, S. J., Lu, Y. C., Li, J., Wei, G., Liang, X. J. and Zhu, Y. X. (2002) A beta-tubulin-like cDNA expressed specifically in elongating cotton fibers induces longitudinal growth of fission yeast. Biochem. Bioph. Res. Comm. (BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO) 296, 1245-1250.

91.  Lu, Y. C., Wei, G. and Zhu, Y. X. (2002) Cloning whole cellulose-synthesizing operon (ayacs Operon) from Acetobacter xylinum and transforming it into cultivated cotton plants. Acta Botanica Sinica 44, 441-445.

92. Wang, D. Y., Hu, S., Li, Q., Cui, K. M. and Zhu, Y. X. (2002) Photoperiod control of the apical bud and leaf senescence in pumpkin strain 185. Acta Botanica Sinica 44, 55-62.

93. Su, Y. H., Qu, H., Vachon, V., Lu J. C., Zhang, J., Laprade, R. and Zhu Y.X. (2002) The toxicity test and hypothetical model of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Aa helix4. Science in China, Series C (SCI CHINA SER C) 45, 561-567. (苏彦辉,曲红,Vincent Vachon,张杰,罗静初,Laprade R.,朱玉贤 (2002) 苏云金芽孢杆菌Cry1Aa蛋白а4螺旋形成跨膜离子通道的昆虫毒性试验与模型预测。《中国科学(C辑)》,32, 146-152.

94. Xu, H. S., Xu, Y. J., Gu, X. S., Hu, T. Z., Su, Y. H. and Zhu, Y. X. (2001) Cloning and analysis of a cDNA encoding acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase from G2 pea. Chinese Science Bulletin (SCIENCE BULLETIN) 46, 1808-1812. (徐华松,徐云剑,顾雪松,胡廷章,苏彦辉,朱玉贤 (2001) 豌豆乙酰羟酸还原异构酶基因的cDNA克隆、序列分析及其表达研究。科学通报,46, 1022-1026.

95. Jiang, G. Y., Xu, Y. J., Zhu, X. S., Su, Y. H. and Zhu, Y. X. (2001) Prokaryotically expressed Buthus martensii Karsch insect depressant toxin has insecticidal effects. Toxicon. 39, 469-476.

96. Huang, J. Q., Wei, Z. M., An, H. L. and Zhu, Y. X. (2001) Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of rice with the spider insecticidal gene conferring resistance to leaffolder and striped stem borer. Cell Res. 11, 149-155.

97. Zhu, Y. X., Tepperman, J. M., Fairchild, C. and Quail, P. H. (2000) Phytochrome B binds with greater apparent affinity than phytochrome A to the basic helix-loop-helix factor PIF3 in a reaction requiring the PAS domain of PIF3. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.  (P NATL ACAD SCI USA) 97, 13419-13424.

98. Wang, X. D., Zhu, Y. X., Ji, D. F., Jiang, S. L., Li, Y. Y. (2001) Cloning of fiber-specific cDNAs and their structural variations in 4 fiber mutants. Chinese Science Bulletin (SCIENCE BULLETIN) 46, 234-237.

99. Hu, T. Z., Xu, Y. J., Jiang, G. Y. and Zhu, Y. X. (2000) Studies on insect resistance of transgenic tobacco plants carrying the BMK IT4 gene.  Acta Botanica Sinica 42, 732-735. 胡廷章,徐云剑,江国英,朱玉贤 (2000) 转BmKIT4基因烟草的抗虫性。《植物学报》,42, 732-735.

100. Cong, X. Y., Lin, S. Y. and Zhu, Y. X. (2000) Cloning, sequencing and structural analysis of a pea cDNA encoding EF-1α.  Chinese Science Bulletin (SCIENCE BULLETIN) 45, 338-343. (丛翔宇,凌世昀,朱玉贤 (1999) 豌豆EF-1α的cDNA克隆、全序列及结构特征分析。《科学通报》,44, 1639-1645.

101. Liu, H., Zhu, Y. X. and Li, E. Q. (1999) Construction, expression, purification and functional analysis of recombinant 6C6 immunotoxin to human breast-tumor cells. Science in China (SCI CHINA SER C) 42, 281-285. (刘晖,朱玉贤,李二秋 (1999) 6C6免疫毒素的原核表达、纯化及其对人乳腺癌细胞的作用研究。《中国科学(C辑)》,29, 93-97.

102. Gu, X. S., Lin, Y. Q. and Zhu, Y. X. (1999) Characterization and structural analysis of a SOD-like material from rose fruit. Acta Botanica Sinica 41, 272-275. 顾雪松,林永齐,朱玉贤 (1999) 一种类SOD物质的基本性质与结构研究。《植物学报》,41, 272-275.

103. Zhao, L., Wang, C. X., Zhu, Y. X., Zhao, J. D. and Wu, X. Y. (1998) Molecular cloning and sequencing of the cDNA of cop1 gene from pisum sativum. BBA-Gen Subjects (BBA-GEN SUBJECTS) 1395, 326-328.

104. Li, H. Y., Guo, Z. F. and Zhu, Y. X. (1998) Molecular cloning and analysis of a pea cDNA that is expressed in darkness and very rapidly induced by gibberellic acid. Mol. Gen. Genet. (MOL GENET GENOMICS) 259, 393-397.

105. Zhu, Y. X., Gu, X. S., Zao, H. J. and Chen, Z. L. (1998) Extracellular calmodulin stimulates Rbcs-GUS expression of etiolated transgenic tobacco plants in full darkness. Plant Growth Regulation (PLANT GROWTH REGUL) 25, 23-28.

106. Zhu, Y. X., Zhang, Y. F., Luo, J. C., Davis, P. J. and Ho, D. T.-H. (1998) PPF-1, a post-floral-specific gene expressed in short-day grown G2 pea may be important for its never-senescing phenotype. Gene 203, 1-6.

107. Ling, S. Y., Qi, F. and Zhu, Y. X. (1998) Molecular cloning, sequence analysis and expression studies of a novel GAmyb homologous gene, hvmyb. Science in China, Series C (SCI CHINA SER C) 41, 525-529. (凌世昀,祁放,朱玉贤 (1998) hvmyb,一个GAmyb同源cDNA的克隆、序列分析和表达行为。《中国科学(C辑)》,28, 226-230.

108. Song, Z. S., Jiang, G. Y., Lu, Y. C. and Zhu, Y. X. (1998) Decrement of catalase mRNA level after salicylic acid treatment. Chinese Science Bulletin (SCIENCE BULLETIN) 43, 322-325.  (宋泽双,江国英,卢迎春,朱玉贤 (1998) 水杨酸处理导致过氧化氢酶基因MRNA水平的下降。科学通报,43, 422-425.

109. Zhu, Y. X. and Davies, P. J. (1997) The control of apical bud growth and senescence by auxin and gibberellin in genetic lines of peas. Plant Physiol. 113, 631-637.

110. Zhang, H. Y., Lin, M., Xiao, F. H., Zhu, H. S., Fang, X. J., You, C. B, Zhu, Y. X. (1997) Cloning and sequence analysis of Alcaligenes faecalis nifHDK gene cluster. Science in China, Series C -LIFE SCIENCES (SCI CHINA SER C) 40, 512-517.

111. Zhu, Y. X., Zhang Y. F., Li, H. Y. (1997) Molecular cloning of GA-suppressed G2 pea genes by cDNA RDA. Science in China, Series C (SCI CHINA SER C) 40, 379-383.  (朱玉贤,张翼凤,李慧英 (1997) 用cDNA差式分析法克隆受GA抑制的豌豆基因。《中国科学(C辑)》 27, 253-257.

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113. Gu, X. S., Chen, Z. L. and Zhu, Y. X. (1997) Phytochrome and photoregulation. Acta Botanica Sinica39, 675-681.

114. Zhu, Y. X., Ouyang, W. J., Zhang, Y. F. and Chen, Z. L. (1996) Transgenic sweet pepper plants from Agrobacterium mediated transformation. Plant Cell Reports (PLANT CELL REP) 16, 71-75.

115. Zhu, Y. X., Ouyang, W. J., Li, Y., Wu, T. S. and Chen, Z. L. (1996) The effects of 2ip and 2,4-D on rice calli differentiation. Plant Growth Regulation (PLANT GROWTH REGUL) 19, 19-24.

116. Straub, P. F., Reynolds, P., Althomsons, S., Mett, V., Zhu, Y. X., Shearer, G. and Kohl, D. H. (1996) Isolation, DNA sequence analysis, and mutagenesis of a proline dehydrogenase gene (putA) from Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Appl. Environ. Microb. (APPL ENVIRON MICROB) 62, 221-229.

117. Zhu, X. S., Zhang, T. F. and Zhu, Y. X. (1996) Cloning and sequencing of two depressant insect selective neurotoxin cDNAs from Buthus martensii Karsch. Chinese Science Bulletin (SCIENCE BULLETIN) 41, 1387-1391. 朱新生,张庭芳,朱玉贤 (1996) 两个东亚钳蝎抑制型昆虫毒素cDNA的克隆及序列分析。《科学通报》,41, 1882-1886.

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119. Cao, X. F., Zhu, Y. X. and Chen, Z. L. (1996) Cloning of ACC synthase cDNA and transforming tomato with antisense gene. Chinese Journal of Botany 7, 97-103. 未被收录

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128. Zhu, Y. X., Shearer, G. and Kohl, D. H. (1992) Proline fed to intact soybean plants influences acetylene reducing activity and content and metabolism of proline in bacteroid. Plant Physiol. 98, 1020-1028.

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职称 教授 实验室地址 靠谱的网赌平台大全5102
联系电话 86-27-68752987 Email zhuyx@whu.edu.cn
入选时间 2011 学科专业 植物科学
研究方向 植物生理学
