










(1) 1998-09 至 2002-12, 十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台, 分析化学, 博士

(2) 1991-09 至 1994-07, 十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台, 生物物理, 硕士

(3) 1987-09 至 1991-07, 十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台, 细胞生物学, 学士


(1) 2003-01 至 今, 十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台, 靠谱的网赌平台大全, 副教授

(2) 1996-09 至 2002-12, 十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台, 靠谱的网赌平台大全, 讲师

(3) 1994-07 至 1996-08, 十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台, 靠谱的网赌平台大全, 助教




湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,2019CFB685, 基于“RNA世界”场景的生命单手性起源的计算机模拟, 2019, 9- 2021, 9。

国家自然科学基金面上项目,31571367,生命起源过程中“标签介导的遗传信息复制和表达的出现及演化”的计算机模拟研究,2016, 1-2017, 12。

国家自然科学基金面上项目,31170958,生命起源过程中“生物信息系统替代”的计算机模拟研究,2012, 1-2015, 12。

国家自然科学基金面上项目,30870660,“RNA世界”中原始细胞出现的计算机模拟研究,2009, 1-2011, 12。

湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,2003S2113,从模板性催化到RNA世界:核糖酶起源的计算机模型,2004, 1-2006, 1。


Liang, Yuzhen; Yu, Chenwu; Ma, Wentao*; The automatic parameter-exploration with a machine-learning-like approach: Powering the evolutionary modeling on the origin of life, PLoS Computational Biology, 2021, 17: e1009761.

Chen, Yong; Ma, Wentao* ; The origin of biological homochirality along with the origin of life, PLoS Computational Biology , 2020, 16: e1007592.

Yin, Shaolin; Chen, Yong; Yu, Chunwu; Ma, Wentao*; From molecular to cellular form: modeling the first major transition during the arising of life,BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2019, 19: 84.   

Wu, Sanmao; Yu, Chunwu; Zhang, Wentao; Yin, Shaolin; Chen, Yong, Feng Yu; Ma, Wentao*; Tag mechanism as a strategy for the RNA replicase to resist parasites in the RNA world,PLoS One, 2017, 12: e0172702.
Ma, Wentao*; What does "the RNA world" mean to the origin of life"? Life, 2017, 7:49.
Ma, Wentao*; The essence of life, Biology Direct, 2016, 11:49.
Ma, Wentao*; Yu, Chunwu; Zhang, Wentao; Wu, Sanmao; Feng, Yu; The emergence of DNA in the RNA world: an in silico simulation study of genetic takeover, BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2015, 15: 272.
Ma, Wentao*; Feng Yu; Protocells: At the interface of life and non-life, Life, 2015, 5:447-458.
Ma, Wentao*; The origin of life: a problem of history, chemistry, and evolution.Chemistry and Biodiversity, 2014, 11:1998-2010.
Ma, Wentao *; Yu, Chunwu; Zhang, Wentao; Circularity and self-cleavage as a strategy for the emergence of a chromosome in the RNA-based protocell, Biology Direct, 2013, 8, 21.
Ma, Wentao*; Hu, Jiming; Computer simulation on the cooperation of functional molecules during the early stages of evolution, PLoS One, 2012, 7: e35454.
Ma, Wentao*; Life: Self-directing with unlimited variability on self-speeding. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 2012, 29:623-625
Ma, Wentao*; Yu, Chunwu; Zhang, Wentao; Zhou,Ping; Hu, Jiming. Self-replication: spelling it out in a chemical background,Theory in Biosciences,2011, 130:119-125.
Ma, Wentao* ; Yu, Chunwu; Zhang, Wentao; Hu, Jiming; A simple template-dependent ligase ribozyme as the RNA replicase emerging first in the RNA world, Astrobiology, 2010, 10: 437-447.
Ma, Wentao*; The scenario on the origin of translation in the RNA world: In principle of replication parsimony,Biology Direct, 2010, 5:65.
Ma, Wentao *; Yu, Chunwu; Zhang, Wentao; Zhou, Ping; Hu Jiming; The emergence of ribozymes synthesizing membrane components in RNA-based protocells, Biosystems, 2010, 99:201-209.
Ma, Wentao*; Yu, Chunwu; Zhang, Wentao; Hu, Jiming; Nucleotide synthetase ribozymes may have emerged first in the RNA world, RNA, 2007, 13: 2012-2019.
Ma, Wentao*, Yu, Chunwu, Zhang, Wentao. Monte Carlo simulation of early molecular evolution in the RNA World. Biosystems, 2007, 90:28-39.
Ma, Wentao*; Yu, Chunwu. Intramolecular RNA replicase: Possibly the first self-replicating molecule in the RNA world. Origin of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 2006. 36:413-420.      

职称 副教授 实验室地址 生科院4117
联系电话 Email mwt@whu.edu.cn
入选时间 学科专业 生物物理
研究方向 生命起源的计算机模拟
